Mission & Vision

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Universal access to equitable, affordable and quality health care that is accountable and responsive to the people of India.


Enable technical support and capacity building to strengthen public health systems, generate evidence from field to formulate and evaluate policies and strategies; with a focus on decentralization, equity and quality to meet the goals of the National health Policy 2017.

Policy Statement

The National Health Systems Resource Centre works closely with policy makers, practitioners and researchers to provide technical and implementation support based on experiential learning, build sustainable partnerships to develop knowledge networks; strengthen technical strategies and management approaches to enable people centred, strengthened health systems.


Equity & Inclusiveness: NHSRC works to promote health equity & well-being for all people and populations.

Inter-sectoral: NHSRC promotes engagement & partnership approach across sectors to foster research in contributing to policies and strategies.

Quality: Assuring and improving public health functions through continuous monitoring, supportive supervision and helping the states in meeting the standards.

People-centred: Strengthens, supports, and mobilises communities to improve health.

Excellence: NHSRC is committed to high standards of excellence, professional ethics and integrity in all that we do.
